February 10, 2025

Kirtas Tech

Tech Blog

Few social media marketing mistakes that you should avoid

Social media marketing strategies are being adopted by various large-scale and small-scale businesses these days to promote their products and services. Business owners are becoming heavily dependent on platforms like Instagram. They rely on their most followed users on IG for promotional purposes. However, you must be extremely careful while designing social media strategies for your company. A small mistake on your brand can cause a heavy blow to your company’s reputation. So, here we have listed some of the most frequently made social media marketing mistakes that you must try to avoid:

#1 Lacking a proper strategy: What most social media marketing policies lack is a proper strategy. The companies do not understand what exactly they wish to achieve from their social media profile. This has caused many brands to fail. So, you need to know your strategies properly. Posting without a proper strategy will give you a major setback. You need to know whether the content that you are posting is of any interest to your target audience. You should also understand why your content should interest the audience. 

#2 Being too promotional: It is always good to promote your products and services. However, being overly promotional can be quite harmful to your business. Your followers may start getting irritated and unfollow you on various platforms. Constantly trying to sell your product to your target audience will make you untrustworthy before them. You should always try to build a long-lasting relationship with your audience. You can do so by being genuine and helpful instead of trying to push your customers to purchase something. This will help you to connect with your audience and also acquire their trust.

#3 Dealing with negative feedback: Most of us do not know how exactly we should deal with negative comments. Whenever you find a negative comment on your social media platform, you try to come up with lame excuses instead of addressing it properly. All of us fear negative feedback as it might bring down the reputation of our organisation. However, instead of apologizing or ignoring the comments, you should understand the concerns of your customers and try to assure them that you will provide them with a better experience the next time. This will definitely build a sense of trust in the minds of your customers and they will no longer be pissed off with you.

#4 Inconsistency: Being inconsistent has always been the key to success. Every brand must be consistent with their online presence on social media platforms. This means that you need to keep your customers updated all the time. You must be regular with your posts and updates. Try to post something at least twice or thrice a week. Also, regularly attend to the queries of your customers and stay in touch with them. This will help you in connecting with your audience.

#5 Not studying analytics: You must be consistent while analysing the performance of your website. Try to measure the success of your social media platform by using various analytics software. You can use different types of metrics to understand how well your social media platform is performing. You can use Google Analytics to analyse the traffic on your website. You can also mention the number of likes your posts are getting and the quality of your followers. All these statistics will help you in further improving the experience of your users. Always keep in mind that seo and social media go hand in hand. So, your profile should be SEO ready to attract maximum traffic.

#6 Having multiple profiles: A huge mistake that most brands make is creating multiple profiles on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. This will make your followers confused. It will also waste a lot of time and resources. Focus all your efforts on one particular profile. This will not only make you appear trustworthy, but your followers will also start taking a genuine interest in your brand.

#7 Using foul language: Try to avoid foul language even when you are communicating with your competitors. Some brands think that it helps you to connect with your viewers but that is not the case. Always try to keep away from foul language on social media profiles. Otherwise, our customers will stop trusting you and they will no longer take you and your brand seriously.

So, these are some of the most common mistakes that you should try to avoid while you are on social media. You may also read the articles on johnchow.com if you wish to know more about digital marketing and social media marketing.